Craft and Conjure
Denver, CO 80211
United States
About Me
I am the multi-award winning Author of
"Good Juju ~ Mojos, Rites & Practices for the Magical Soul," and the newly released "Powerful Juju ~ Goddesses, Music & Magic for Comfort, Guidance & Protection."
I am a Gold Medal winner of the 2020 COVR Awards, a winner of the 2019 NYC Big Book Award, and a fellow of the Sojourner Truth Leadership Circle, sponsored by Auburn Seminary.
I practice magick, love ritual, and writing about ways to help others develop powerful spiritual, magickal, practices.
I reside in Denver, CO, where the blue skies and the power of the Rocky Mountains uplift and fill my soul. I am also a regular contributing author to the Llewellyn Almanac series. My articles regularly appear in Llewellyn's Magical Almanac, Witches' Companion, Witches' Datebook, and Spell-A-Day Series.
I am a frequent guest on podcasts, as well as an in-demand speaker for conferences, classes and events.
My magickal, beloved, staff is now on display at the Buckland Museum of Witchcraft, located in Cleveland, OH.
I am also a contributor to the Library of Esoterica, Volume III, Witchcraft, published by Taschen Books.
I can be found online at, and
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Craft and Conjure
Denver, CO 80211
United States